1. Any amateur drama society or recognised Youth theatre may enter the festival.
2. Teams competing for the youth entry are subject to the same marking system as all other teams and are eligible to go forward to the next round. Maximum age for the majority of participants in a youth entry is 18.
3. Any group wishing to take the option of proceeding, if chosen to do so, to Stage 2 of the All-England Theatre Festival must declare this wish at the time of entry. No company can proceed, which has not elected to do so and filled in the appropriate form on first entering the local festival approved for its district. Except where special permission is given, no entry in any other Stage 1 festival shall be valid.
4. No company may go forward to Stage 2 of the A-ETF from more than one Stage 1 festival with the same play.
College Players in Roxy Krasner and the Case of the Dancing German Aviator (2010 Festival) 5. Each entry must be at least 20 minutes in length but must not exceed 55 minutes in duration, including the time spent changing a scene during the course of that performance. (But not including the specific times allowed for setting and striking the whole production.) Curtain calls are not encouraged.
6. Each entry must be set within the time limit of ten minutes and struck within five minutes. The penalties for not keeping within the allotted times for performance, setting or striking are as follows:
- Up to 1 minute over or under time ………….1 mark
- Up to 2 minutes over or under time………….3 marks
- Up to 3 minutes over or under time………….6 marks
- Up to 4 minutes over or under time………….10 marks
- Up to 5 minutes over or under time…………15 marks
- More than 5 minutes over or under time …….disqualification.
7. All plays should have no fewer than two speaking parts.
8. To be eligible for the original play award a play must not have been performed before the entry date for this festival.
9. A copy of the play must accompany each entry and will be returned after the festival. Emailed photocopies of scripts will not be accepted.
10. Companies are responsible for obtaining permission for the performance of copyright plays and for paying any royalties. The licence should be shown to the stage manager no later than at the technical rehearsal.
11. All entries will be subject to the provisions of Theatres Act 1968. Entrants are deemed to have full knowledge of the act and the liabilities there under concerning obscene, seditious or libellous plays or those liable to incite racial hatred or a breach of the peace. Plays that could cause offence to an audience of mixed ages should be brought to the attention of the organisers at an early date to assist with scheduling.
12. Each company will be responsible for ensuring that any stage properties or scenery used in their play are fireproofed to comply with the required safety standards.
13. All companies may use the curtains provided but may bring such additional scenery as is considered essential to their production. The amount and type of scenery must be declared when entering the production to the festival. Complete box sets are not allowed.
14. Companies must notify the stage manager if their play requires unusual effects. i.e. naked lights, pistol shots, etc. If it is found necessary to place a limit on the proposals with regard to such effects, the companies will be notified by the organisers, whose decision must be final.
15. Each company will be able to use the dressing room for 15 minutes before the start of their play.
16. Companies taking part must ensure that their members do not enter or exit the theatre auditorium during the performances of the plays oradjudications.
17. In the case of youth entries there should be at least two chaperones for every ten children under the age of 16.
18. No part of the festival may be recorded, televised or filmed without the consent of the organisers and no mechanical record of the adjudication may be made without the consent of the adjudicator. The use of video cameras and photographic equipment in the theatre for the purpose of recording the plays is not permitted.
19. Any company may enter more than one team, but priority will be given to the first entry. If programme space allows, subsequent entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Festival Committee. Only entries received by the closing date will be accepted. Late entries may be accepted if space allows.
20. Any matters not specifically covered by these rules shall be decided by the organisers whose decision is final.
21. It must be understood that neither the organisers nor the London Borough of Waltham Forest can be held responsible for any loss or damage to property or for any injury sustained by members of participating teams during the course of the rehearsal period or the festival period.